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Belle & Sebastian - The Boy With The Arab Strap (1998)


Updated: Jul 8, 2024

“Listen to Belle & Sebastian, you’ll love them” I heard from at least one person whose musical tastes I didn’t quite trust, but the opportunity presented itself for a quid in a charity shop, so I picked up the third B&S album.

Love? Not sure, but this first experience was very positive. Pleasant songs, easy tunes with a hook, lyrics that invite listening. They even manage to sneak a bagpipe into Is It Wicked Not To Care without invoking my anger. But it does begin to pall in the middle as I realise at least two songs have passed leaving no impression whatsoever. And it’s not until Dirty Dream Number Two and the title track that my attention is reawakened, a chirpy little tune referencing (without permission) their Glaswegian friends. But there’s nothing much after that. There’s nothing on this album I hate, and a few tracks I quite like, but if all music was Belle & Sebastian I’d tire very quickly.

3* - a pleasant listen, but it won’t be on the desert island



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