Carter USM - a flash in the pan for a couple of years in the 1990s. Likeable rocky little songs, with titles which made you want to engage, but sadly lacking the biting humour of better exponents, such as Half Man Half Biscuit. Nevertheless, it's been a long time since I listened to Carter, so let's sit back and enjoy.
101 Damnations is their debut album, and while the Carter sound is appealing, there isn't too much variety. Opening with a church hymn being sung, The Road To Domestos has a Spaghetti Western theme feel before the vocals kick in, and it's a decent listen, but there's not much more to the electro-beat of Twenty Four Hours From Tulse Hill than the title. The single Sheriff Fatman is lively and interesting, and a welcome tune, and the waltzing Taking Of Peckham 123 has a certain appeal. But most of the rest is bright, but forgettable, with perhaps Midnight On The Murder Mile and A Perfect Day To Drop The Bomb being the most likeable. The final song, GI Blues is best forgotten.
It's an interesting debut, with enough to sustain the interest, and leave one curious what will happen to this likeable duo.
3* - a promising debut album, with little outstanding but enough to stir the interest.