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Half Man Half Biscuit - Achtung Bono (2005)


Updated: Apr 26, 2023

This is the HMHB album where I saw the band and bought the t-shirt in Cambridge with the family. They were, as you’d expect, superbly entertaining, amusing and it was a great evening, even if we did seem to be the only ones there not wearing Dukla Prague away shirts.

So, you know what you’re getting with HMHB, short rock songs, amusing / pithy lyrics and this album doesn’t disappoint. Some songs, as ever, work better than others, highlights include the opener, Restless Legs, the almost love song For What Is Chatteris (went down a storm in Cambridgeshire - "you never hear of people being knocked on the bonce, although there was a drive-by shouting once"), the unforgettable Joy Division Oven Gloves, Letters Sent and the dark Depressed Beyond Tablets. And even those songs which aren’t highlights usually have a line that raises a smile.

Is your child hyperactive, or is he perhaps a twat”

And it’s fun to listen to, even if many of the songs are unremarkable but for that one zinger of a line.

3* - some great stuff, much ordinary but always fun



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