Often cited as one of the first jazz-funk albums, this 1973 album by Hancock was one of those picked up in a late night EBay raid (buy one get 50% another or some such tempting offer. Hancock is one of those jazz artists I've always felt I should enjoy more than I actually do, so let's sit back and listen.
Only four long tracks on this, the opener Chameleon weighing in at 15 minutes. With a strong funky (how many times will that word be used?) bass line from Paul Jackson, Hancock makes full use of his box of electronic keyboard wizardry, and it's nice. Not jaw-droppingly good, but toe-tappingly catchy. Watermelon Man is more relaxed, and a bit more background. Sly is similarly gentle, as is Vein Melter.
And sadly, there's not much more to say. The whole album is well crafted, a very easy listen with some fine use of modern (for 1973) keyboard, but it's ultimately fairly background. If you want jazz-funk, there's much more excitiong stuff out there. See for yourself.
3* - pleasant, but no more.