I've no idea what made me think I'd enjoy this album when I risked a quid on it.
I'd never been impressed by Vangelis' music, and I'd lost interest in Jon Anderson once Yes were taken over by Buggles Horn and Downes, But I did have a guilty pleasure in Donna Summer's version of State Of Independence, which probably swung it.
So, what is here to enjoy? Not much in my view. Italian Song has Anderson channelling his inner choirboy (not a euphemism) for a hymn like piece, followed by first hit I'll Find My Way Home, which could have been mistaken for a turgid Yes AOR number.
But the aforementioned State Of Independence follows, and it is a great song, although the reggae beat doesn't really favour Anderson's vocals. I'll take Summer's cover, thanks. One More Time sounds like an outtake from Tales Of Topographic Oceans, rejected because the lyrics were almost coherent. It's a wimpy ballad, and following track Play Within A Play is nonsense, with only an upbeat middle section to redeem it.
The Friends Of Mr Cairo is an ambitious eleven minute song, and while it goes on a bit, it's got an engaging theme to start but once you get past all the spoken drama bit in the middle, there's a tedious ballad again. Outside Of This is similarly dull, but there's a change for He Is Sailing, a little more upbeat, but equally uninteresting. Final track, I Hear You Now was the duo's biggest UK hit, with its opening reminiscent of the Brookside theme, but it's actually quite a catchy little song.
So, sorry lads, this collaboration is most definitely not for me. I'm finding it listenable only in parts, and if there's anything here I want to revisit, I'll probably ask Donna Summer.
1* - I thought long and hard, but there's nothing on this album I particularly want to hear ever again