I’ve always thought the Ramones had more influence through their image and the iconic symbol which is on about ten t-shirts for every record they sold. Certainly during the 1970s, I recall being aware of their influence without listening to the music too much.
So what awaits a revisit to their first album? It’s a fantastic high energy start with Blitzkrieg Bop, Beat On The Brat and Judy Is A Punk, then slowing down with the dumb Spectoresque I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend. But it’s quickly back to the fast, lyrically repetitive short songs, and I’m not tiring of it. The classic recipe of short, energetic “ if you don’t like this, there’s another one along in a minute” prevents the discerning listener (me!) getting bored. And Let’s Dance, I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You and Today Your Love makes a blistering finish.
4* - fourteen songs in under half an hour. Makes its point then leaves.